Octagon Secure – Team Members

Yair Oanunu | Expert on National Security, CEO and Founder
An expert on security, entrepreneur, and strategic advisor on business and security, developer of security renewal processes and organizational security processes. Held training and control management and security positions in the Ministry of Public Security, the IDF, and the Prime Minister’ Office in the Israeli security establishment. In recent years, Yair has developed unique security and protection solutions, data protection and physical cyber security solutions, preemptive organizational conduct and social engineering.

Miky Weinberg | Security Specialist and National Security Strategist
An expert on security and on developing organizational security policies, an economist, and an alumni of the Israel Secret Service (retired as a lieutenant colonel), with over 25 years of experience in security and tactical intelligence; Mr. Mickey was the leader in a unique secret area of coping with the opponent’s ability to realize strategic attack events at the government level. In recent years, he spearheaded revolutionary strategic processes in government entities and corporations.
Also – in recent years, Mr. Miky acted as a security commentator on mass media networks in Israel, and he developed and writes the professional blog “Security Blog” [in Hebrew: “אבטחה צריך לקיים“]

Shabi Naveh | Physical Security Project Manager
An organizational consultant on security, retired from the Israel Secret Service as a lieutenant colonel, a security officer who was an envoy for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Israeli embassies worldwide, has over 25 years of experience in executive positions in the areas of security, data protection for national level strategic facilities, training, and control. Lead security projects in regulatory government entities; an expert in all areas of security.